Professional Membership

As a full member of NarpsUK (National Association of Pet Sitters and Dog Walkers) I have access to animal experts via a 24 hour pet health helpline. This means I can better care for your pets within Corfe Mullen, Wimborne, Broadstone and throughout East Dorset. Peace of mind through expert advice about your companion animal should this be required during the time they are in my care. NarpsUK was established to raise industry standards and has developed a Code of Practice including training, education and to promote best practice for professional pet sitters and dog walkers.

On joining NarpsUK I enrolled and successfully passed their full training course called The NarpsUK Pet Sitting and Dog Walking Business Course, an intensive twelve module learning and development course which incorporates animal health care, the law and pet first aid. I hold the appropriate business insurance and have been fully screened through the national security checks called the Disclosure and Barring Service, often referred to as the Criminal Records Bureau check.

Advice & Information



Anyone who finds an injured or sick hedgehog in the East Dorset area can contact Tracie at her website contact details located here.


The world is changing rapidly and it is a challenge for each of us to stay aware of all the latest information and professional advice. The internet is a great resource for finding answers to our questions. However, even searching the internet can take up time and won't provide all the answers. 

Let's be honest, what would you prefer, an hour behind your screen or an hour playing with your pawfect pooch, or cat-napping with your furry feline?

Many of my clients often make enquiries or ask questions from, where to find a dog behavourist to what can I do about my pet's fear of thunder?

If you have a question about your pet and you are not sure how to find the answer, drop me an email and I will do my best to assist or research further information.  The email is:  


Unusual Pets


Do you have a pet companion that is a little bit unusual or less common? 
Are you concerned about leavng them with someone inexperienced?
Can you be sure that the person you are considering approaching is reliable and dependable?
Does you companion pet have unusual needs?
Is their care requirements rather specialised? 
Do they need special equipment?
Do they have an al a carte menu? 
Do you have to monitor and adjust their thermostatic conditons?
Are they sensitive to subtle changes in their environment?
Does this sound familiar? Still seeking that 'someone special' to provide their care?... then call Paws2Walk 
Relax and feel confident...... they are in safe hands


Has your pet gone missing?

Each year hundreds of pets go missing for a range of reasons. They may be distracted by other pets visiting their patch, pets looking for mates to breed with, feeling anxious at the arrival of a new family pet or due to fear, loud noises or frightening experiences. Some go missing simply because they are curious and go roaming.

The key to finding your pet is to act fast and spread the message widely and quickly  

  • Check any usual places your pet could be hiding, sheds, garages, out houses, local fields, neighbours sheds etc  
  • Contact your vet and other local vets immediatley with a description and details
  • Notify the local Dog Warden if it is a dog
  • Notify the local authority if it is a cat. Currently cats killed on the road are removed by the local authority refuse service & not reported
  • If you have social media post details on as many sites as possible with pictures and contact details 
  • Inform your local neighbours and local pet services so that they can be on the alert, and leave contact details like a mobile number
  • Contact animal shelters and rescue centres, often stray, abandoned or lost pets find their way to these services by members of the public
  • Contact charities like RSPCA, Cat Protection, Dogs Trust, PDSA, Blue Cross. They often have charity shops where they can put up a poster
  • Use posters, flyers, notes to neighbours and email your local contacts and ask them to email on to other local services and friends etc.
  • Contact local dog walkers and pet sitters. They are likely to be visiting local walks and places the pet might have roamed to 
  • Ensure contact details are correct on your pet's MicroChip/collar tag. Report missing pets to the microchip database, there are several in the UK

Top Twenty Tips - Companion Animal Health, Care, Welfare and Safety

Click on any of the below to read more

1.Micro Chipping

Micro chipping your pet dog, cat or rabbit can mean you are more likely to be reunited if they become lost. Dogs have to be microchipped now as it is part of UK law. Wearing collars can also be useful in re-uniting animals with their owners. If cats wear collars with bells to protect wildlife make sure these are quick release safety collars and are purchased from reputable manufacturers. If your feline friend is a hunter and brings wildlife in to prevent this ensure they wear their bell collar when out and avoid them going out between dusk and dawn. This greatly reduces the problem. If your pet does unfortunately catch and or harm wildlife seek the support of your nearest wildlife centre/sanctuary who are experts in nursing them back to health and giving them the best chance of survival.

2.Lost Companion Animals

Some owners have asked me if there are pet services for lost companion animals and there is. You can register your pet dog or cat with national organizations. There are several missing pet services that you can register with/report missing pets through and these can be sought via the internet. If you find a lost pet inform  your local vets and local animals charities and contact the local dog warden if it is a dog.

3.Nuetering and Castrating

Vets and most animal charities suggest neutering and castrating domestic dogs and cats before their first season for health reasons and to prevent unwanted litters or pregnancies (This can be a significant problem if they stray or become lost).  

4.Health Checks

Regular or annual health checks can prevent problems and help to detect early signs of disease, these can be more easily treated if found early. A health check will usually include their annual vaccination to keep them well and prevent the spread of disease.


Where possible think about pet care insurance. Several of my own animals have in the past required urgent treatment - at these times I was so relieved to have insured each of them. If you decide not to or are unable to then consider setting up a savings account just for your animals - I did this for my cat, Megan who could not be insured, it has proved invaluable!

6.Fleas and Worming

Monthly flea treatments and regular worming can keep their coats, skin and digestion in top condition. In summer check regularly for tics, mites or parasites. Tics can be gently removed with a special tick remover so that the whole tick is removed and nothing is left embedded in the skin which can lead to secondary infections.


If your cat is white or has white ears they may be more likely to be at risk of sun burn and the risk of skin cancer. White cats lack the protective pigment that other cats have. Skin cancer (usually squamous cell carcinoma (cancer)) most frequently occurs on the tips of the ears, sparsely haired areas around the ear base and eyelids, and the tip of the nose. The only preventative measure is to keep the cat out of direct sun, particularly during the peak sun hours -typically 10am to 2pm.


Invest in a daily or at least a weekly groom with your companion animal, it improves bonding and it’s the perfect time to carry out a mini home health check. Many owners when grooming, find conditions they would have missed had they not been patting, stroking and brushing their animals coat. Professional groomers can keep your dog and cats fur and claws/nails in regular good condition. This is a great time to check harnesses and leads and collars to be sure they are safe, secure and not fraying. Medium and long haired cats and older cats can be prone to matted hair which can lead to pain and infections so seek professional help if you see signs of this occuring.


If finances become strained due to circumstances changing, illness, redundancy, people worry about their animals and how they will cope. Be pro-active. Contact organizations like Citizens Advice Bureau for help and check local charities like the Blue Cross or the PDSA (people's Dispensary for Sick Animals). If difficulties arise and benefit support is granted many of these charities will treat pets at a reduced cost/charge where people are in receipt of certain national Department of Work and Pensions or other employment benefit allowances.

10.Food and Water

Check food and water and their feeding bowls are clean and refreshed daily, particular in summer when it is hot and water can evaporate more quickly, the same is true in winter, when we have our central heating on.

11.Staying at home

Check your conservatory doors are always open so that if dogs or cats wander in, they can also get out (hot days can turn these glass houses into ovens). Similarly avoid leaving any pets in vehicles alone in warm and hot weather heat exhaustion can lead to death within minutes. I fitted a cat flap to the lower conservatory window so that my cats can get in and out to the garden if the door to the conservatory gets shut by mistake.


Puppy and dog training classes can be a great way to socialize your young pup and the perfect way to network and meet other dog friendly people. It's also good for swapping ideas and working out pet problems. When walking your dog along or anywhere near a road keep them on the lead at all times. Even trained and well behaved dogs have been known to take chase after seeing a cat, squirrel or rabbit.

13.First Aid

Take time to learn some basic animal first aid - this could save your companions life in an emergency. There are lots of places and ways of accessing first aid for pets.

14.Playing with balls and sticks

When playing with your dog, be cautious if throwing sticks and small balls. Vets across the UK see hundreds of cases of sticks impaled in dogs throats or small balls lodged in their throats and this can be fatal. After play times check ears for grass seeds that can get lodged and lead to infection, pain, irritation and head shaking. If suspected do not touch the ear but see a vet for treatment. In certain areas, tics have been known to carry diseases in dogs so avoid walking your dog in these areas where known. Some parts of Hampshire/New Forest has had an outbreak of these tics. Check for currency and updates when you choose your walks. 

15.Feeding and Exercise

Also when feeding your dog make sure they are not exercised for at least an hour before or after feeding as this can sometimes lead to an emergency life threatening condition called Gastric Dilatation Volvulus (also known as twisted stomach, gastric torsion and GDV). The stomach becomes overstretched and rotated/twisted by excessive gas content and is life threatening that requires prompt treatment. It is more common in domesticated animals, especially certain deep-chested dog breeds.

16.Small animals

If you keep small animals, particularly rabbits and guinea pigs etc, they are highly susceptible to fly-strike in summer and in warm/hot weather. Fly strike is rapid and fatal. Flies land and lay eggs which turn into maggots on the tail and rumps of small animals. Check their bedding and their fur every day. Remove all traces of excrement and refresh with new bedding. If in doubt see the vet without delay. Rabbits living alone experience high levels of stress. They should not be kept alone in isolation rabbits are social animals and need company talk to your vet about how to safely keep rabbits together. Contact RWAF - Rabbit Welfare Association & Fund. They have excellent advice about all things rabbit.


Toys can help prevent boredom when owners are at work or away. Some products have been designed to encourage dogs and cats to play and work for their food treats. These and other toys should be checked for wear, tear or damage that could cause injury to the teeth, mouth and gums. When purchasing check that they meet safety standards and are manufactured by reputable pet suppliers. Like pet bedding, wash and rinse toys regularly to prevent infections and infestations. 

18.Keeping small animals safe

If you have a hamster or are considering a small animal, these creatures can jump suddenly from little hands (and big hands too). They can move very quickly and jump without warning. Sadly many break limbs and some also die from broken backs/necks. So to keep your small animal/hamster safe be as close to the ground as possible when you handle them and keep handling to a minimum.  

19.Knowing your pet

Know your pet. Most of us know our companion animals really well. We know when they are 'off colour' or not feeling well, when they decline their food, don't want to play, sit hunched up with their fur erect or if they hide away and avoid the other house pets. Their mood may be different or they seem startled. They may be sick or their stools may have changed. Note the signs and symptoms and seek veterinary help without delay. Early intervention can save your companion animals life.


If in the sad event that your companion animal dies, there are bereavement services for pet owners. There are also some excellent books that have been written on helping pet owners come to terms with their loss and grief. Friends, family and other pet owners can all help to provide comfort and understanding.

My Experience

Prior to Paws2walk I supported another pet minder as a co worker providing dog walking and home based visits. I have also cared for pets belonging to friends, neighbours and family members, besides providing pet care advice and information.

With substantial experience of caring for disabled animals and those with sensory loss, some of my previous pets have included walking a deaf dog who required hand commands as his main form of communication, ..... sign language for dogs!

As a volunteer for several charities and wildlife services I am adept at managing the more unusual animals in difficult circumstances.  

Known locally throughout Corfe Mullen, Wimborne, Broadstone and Upton by several veterinary practices, wildlife services, pet store staff and existing clients I and can provide excellent references and testimonials.

I have the confidence, commitment and values to deliver the perfect pet care service to you and your pet.

Services provided in Corfe Mullen, Wimborne, Broadstone and East Dorset

Services include:

  • Dog Walking and social exercising - Dogs can be walked individually or in groups of up to four. Dog walks are usualy an hour but can be less or more, please enquire
  • Dog VIP day out - Treat your pet to a doggy day out with programme of events and places to visit with flexible itinerary  
  • Special Event hosting - Why not invite your pet dog to be present at your celebration event while professionally cared for by Paws2Walk 
  • Holiday Visitors - Animal Aunt service. Not all venues welcome dogs but Paws2Walk may be able to assist in staying with them while you enjoy your visit  
  • Home Visits  - To feed, clean, play and care for your pet
  • Puppy Checks - Pop in service to check and toilet puppy's and introduce them to their first short walks 
  • Pet Medication - Provide basic health and well-being checks and administe their medication
  • Small Animal Boarding -Your small pets cared for while you are away 
  • End of life care visits and support / bereavement care for owners - If you need to go out and your pet is frail Paws2Walk will visit or sit until you return 
  • Pet Sitting & Evening sits - When you have to be away or want a long evening out
  • Pet Transport / Taxi Service - Need a pair of reliable wheels to visit the vet or groomer? 

Some owners have requested companion care - essential time spent entertaining and or providing comfort and companionship, particulalry as their pet becomes more frail.

Services for domestic animals are not the only requests I receive. With extensive experience of caring for wildlife, some customers have requested visits to feed their wild garden birds, fox, badger, squirrel, hens and hedgehogs when on vacation or business trips.

Prices are reviewed and increased each year please check for the most recent

Price Guide 

Please note: Prices may vary at Weekends and Bank Holidays. Travel costs are additional to the fee. Extra charges may be made for more than one animal, and / or at prime lunch time visits and/or where special circumstances apply. Please ask for prices charged at Bank Holidays.


From £

Dog Walking/Social Exercising £12.00 - 1 hour group walk/per dog
Dog Walking - Individual £15.00 - 1 hour individual dog walk
Dog Walking - Individual £12.00 - 30 minute visit
Dog Walking - Individual Weekend £14.00 - 30 minute visit
For more than one family pet dog add £3.00 each
Dog VIP day out - Weekday £32.00
Dog VIP day out - Weekend £36.00
Special Day Event Hosting £32.00
Special Day Event Hosting Weekend £36.00
Puppy Pop-in Checks 30-45 mins £12.00
Puppy Pop-in Checks Weekend 30-45 mins £14.00
Small Animal Visits 30-45 mins £10.00
Small Animal Visits 30-45 mins Weekend £12.00
Small Animal Boarding per 24 hours £14.00
Cat Visits 30 mins (add £2 at Weekend) £08.00
Cat Visits 45 mins (add £2 at Weekend) £10.00
Pet Sits Overnight + daily walks/feed £42.00
Pet Sits Overnight + daily walks/feed Weekend £46.00
Pet Taxi/Transport service £12.00 per hour plus mileage costs

Education - Continual Professional Development

At Paws2Walk we continually strive for pawfection and the highest standards. To this end, Tracie maintains a Contiunal Professional Development Portfolio which includes reflective learning (reviewing and learning from practice and knowledge), courses studied and qualifications achieved. This is an ongoing process to assure you that Paws2Walk continues to move forward, seeks improvements and sustains professional development.   

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